
Ruhrpott history

In my attempt to become a “better”, more knowledgeable “Ruhrpott Kind”, I recently went on a jolly to our local mining museum. It is literally just down the road from me. I have been before but never paid any real attention to the site other than when we visit the “Oldtimer Festival” to look at the classic cars (not necessarily an event for old men- which is what most English people would understand from the expression “oldtimer”).

Continue reading “Bricks”

A Sweet Tooth

People often talk about having a “sweet tooth“, but what do you have if you prefer savoury food?

I don’t think it would be wrong to say that, as a nation, the English have got a “sweet tooth”. Brits are famous for their sweet cakes; such as, scones, Victoria sponge cake and apple pie – but the days of eating them everyday, for most people, have gone. Thank goodness!

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False Friend

What is a False Friend?

Before coming to Germany I had never heard of the expression “false friend” before. I soon learnt through my mistakes! There are some words in English which sound or look similar in German, but have a different meaning.  This can cause confusion, if not, on occasions embarrassment.

You can find a list of the most common ones in every English school book or check out the link:

I once embarrassed myself at a party when a German friend told a joke about  a “Präservativ”.  I thought he was talking about “jam” (Konservierungsmittel) only to be told he was actually talking about condoms!! No wonder I didn’t get the joke!

Here are some False Friends to be aware of:

backside: das Hinterteil         die Rückseite: back

bodybagder Leichensack     die Bodybag : mono-strap backpack

chefder Küchenchef                der Chef: boss

gift das Geschenk                     das Gift: poison

If a German were sitting  in a restaurant and heard you say: “Did the boss give you a gift for your birthday?”,  he or she may be a little worried!


Kettle: “a container or device in which water is boiled, having a lid, a spout and handle”.

I recently received a high tech kettle as a birthday present. It’s great. I can now boil the water at the correct temperature for all my teas. No longer do I have to take the lid off the kettle to wait until I think it’s cooled to 80 degrees. White, yellow, green, black.. all tasting perfect.