The Best of Both Worlds
“Ex Pat’s Chat” is a collection of thoughts of an “ex-pat” (for a definition see my post from 2018/11/05/) living in Germany.
What’s it like to live in Germany?
Well, I think it’s rather like a good cup of tea – a perfect blend of Englishness and Germanness.
- living in Germany has many positives – you can learn a new language, meet new people and visit interesting places. What I didn’t realise, however, was that there are so many cultural and linguistic differences between England and Germany.
- Since I moved abroad I have become more aware of my English roots and have even developed a sense of national pride for my homeland.
You could say that I’m bi-cultural because by moving to Germany I have had the opportunity to combine the cultural attitudes and customs of 2 countries. I have the “best of both worlds”.
One of the benefits of being bi-cultural is simply the awareness that how you live is not the only way.
Anna Campanella
My Cultural Rucksack

Rubber ball
This blog is pure self-indulgence. Written as a record of my ramdom thoughts. I sometimes think my pattern of thinking is a little like a rubber ball (Flummi) bouncing around in my head. So many ideas pinging off in all directions. (That reminds me of the song:”Rubber Ball” by Bobby Vee from 1961. Check it out on You Tube!)
This blog gives me a chance to catch my thoughts, put them in some kind of order and then make sense of them. (After that admittance I wouldn’t be surprised if you were to send for the little men in white coats carrying a straight jacket!)
Itchy feet
I left England having worked as a teacher for 10 years and, if I’m honest, for the first 18 months in Witten I enjoyed the luxury of staying at home looking after 2 young children. Then I got itchy feet and offered to teach English in our local kindergarten. I was determined not to be just a German “Hausfrau” (no offence meant).
Children’s books
So began my English for Fun concept: a mix of sport (Turnen) and English for pre-school kids. I love the creative freedom I have as a freelance teacher. My work is my hobby. Through my work I have developed an interest in writing and illustrating children’s books.
English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
I also teach adults English, or rather I give them the chance to refresh their school English. I never dreamt that I would become an EFL teacher and I do not profess to be a language expert but over the years I hope that I have been able to help my customers. We have certainly had a few laughs!
Who am I?
I enjoy sport, drawing and drinking tea. I have a strange obsession for trees, doors and stones. My favourite films are The Full Monty (Ganz oder gar nicht) and Billy Elliot which is a reflection of my Yorkshire roots. I enjoy banter and could be accused of divulging in the use of black humour.
I am not sure everyone gets me but, after several years of self analysis, I have come to the conclusion that everyone is different and the main thing is that you learn to like yourself. You don’t have to change just to fit in with everyone yourself.
There is a saying in English: “What you see is what you get.” This sums me up.