Use your loaf!
“Use your loaf” is an English saying which means you should use your brain or head. Often used in a derogatory way when telling someone to think and be more careful.
Continue reading “Perfect loaf of bread”“Use your loaf” is an English saying which means you should use your brain or head. Often used in a derogatory way when telling someone to think and be more careful.
Continue reading “Perfect loaf of bread”This blog is a collection of my thoughts and experiences as an “expat” living in Germany.
You are probably wondering what an “expat” is. Well, according to Wikipedia “an expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native country.”
Continue reading “What is an expat?”My interest in all things to do with tea has developed since I moved to Germany and I want to dedicate one side of my blog to my take on tea. I have had fun researching this topic and hope to post regularly on “Time 4 Tea” . All definitions are based on the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Continue reading “Teacups”We flew from Dortmund to Luton (which, by the way, is not in London) with Easyjet which we haven’t done for a few years. Normally we travel by car through the Eurotunnel so that we are more mobile in England. Because our visit was only a short stay, we chose to fly. We had a delay of nearly 2 hours due to a bird hitting the plane on its flight into Dortmund but I must say the crew and pilot were very apologetic and we even got a complimentary snack and drink. An added bonus was that we saw the Borussia Dortmund players go through security as they prepared to fly to Stuttgart for their match the next day.
Continue reading “A Flying Visit to England”Whilst recently visiting family in England I was really excited to discover a knitted monkey from PG Tips. Chimp was perched on a radio in my brother-in-law’s kitchen. You may remember I talked about him in my last blog. What a joy!
I’m an Alien
“I’m an alien, I’m an alien. An Englishman in New York” is what Sting sings in his single from 1988. That’s not true of me. As an expat in Germany, I consider myself a “tea-loving Englishwoman from York” who feels far from being an alien. Ok, I admit that I have the odd moment when I say something stupid and people look at me as if I am from another planet!
Continue reading “An Englishwoman from York”