For some time I have been planning to go on a „Kräutertour“ (herb tour) with author and biologist, Ursula Stratmann. Finally I did it!
We and about 20 others met at a car park in Nachtigallstraße, Witten Bommern where we were greeted with a snack of herb spreads and edible flowers. After tasting and attempting to identify the colourful array of petals we set off on our ramble.
Enchanting Woman

For 2 hours we were guided along the hedgerows and roadside, where we were introduced to various wild plants which can be used for medicinal purposes or for cooking. One such plant was the „Hexenkraut“ (enchanter‘s nightshade) with its mysterious properties stemming back to Greek mythology.
With the support of her microphone system, Ursula kept us captivated in her witty and informative way. The booklet which we were given proved to be very useful as a reference and a notebook.

As well as collecting plant specimens to take home and press, we played a flute made from the stalk of knotweed (Staudenknöterich), ate dead nettle leaves and even learnt what to use as „natural“ toilet paper.
A well spent Sunday morning. Well worth doing.
See www.kraeutertour-de-ruhr.de for more information